Exterior Louvers
Cladding 84 R

Panel (Galvanized Steel):
Metalium make 84 R, Round edge panels, 84mm wide x 15mm deep x length up to 5mtr. Formed out of 0.5 mm TCT Galvanized Steel as per IS-513 fixed on Louver carriers. Panels shall be powder coated on single surface with special high quality Exterior Grade powder to enhance property of Fadedness resistivity.
Panel (Aluminium):
Metalium make 84 R, Round edge panels, 84mm wide x 15mm deep x length up to 5mtr. Formed out of 0.65 mm TCT Aluminium alloy (AA) 8011 fixed on Louvre carriers. Panels shall be powder coated on single surface with special high quality Exterior Grade powder to enhance property of Fadedness resistivity.
Black enameled Galvanized Steel Carrier of 20mm wide at bottom x 98mm deep x 0.6 mm thick in a standard length of 8’ with cutouts to hold the panel in a module of 74 mm centre to centre at a distance of 1 mtr. Carrier and Suitable structure shall be powder coated on exterior face to enhance properties of Fadedness and corrosion resistivity.
Installation detail:
GGS Clit shall be fixed on vertical columns with dash fasteners at distance not more than 1 mtr. Centre to centre on which Tubular Stud sections will be laid with corrosion proof screws and on this rigid structure carrier shall be fixed vertically at distance of 1 mtr. Centre to centre. Panel shall be clipped to carriers.